Reduce Employee Turnover: How to reduce employee turnover

Reduce Employee Turnover: definition and techniques to reduce employee turnover 

Reduce employee turnover

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What do you mean by employee turnover?

Formula to calculate employee turnover.

Causes of employee turnover.

Strategies to reduce employee turnover.

What do you mean by employee turnover?

Employee turnover refers to the total number of employees leave a organization over a certain time period. 

Causes of employee turnover

Employee is the main resource of an organization. Organization invest time and money to recruit best employees and to develop them. But after certain times, they leave their job. 

Following basic causes for most of the employees to leave their job;

- getting better opportunity (salary package, benefits, renowned organizations etc.)

- new job place is suitable for the employees 

- new job conditions are matched with employees interests.

To reduce staff turnover for the above reasons some organizations may not the capacity to change all the things easily. In that cases some employees will leave in a certain period is normal. But sometimes, people leave their job without making any alternative income source. 

Organization should survey to find out the hidden cause of staff leaving the job. 

Following things can be re-thinked for retaining best employees of your organizations -

1. Are employees feeling praised?

2. Are they feeling respected?

3. Are their opinions being considered?

4. Are communication system working effectively?

5. Are their compliance issues addressed properly?

6. Are their issues of dissatisfaction addressed property?

Formula to calculate employee turnover

Formula to calculate employee turnover

Strategies to reduce employee turnover

Organization should given priority to the following strategies to reduce employee turnover:

Hire right people

To recruit the best people you need to know what your organization’s needs. What is its mission? What are its values? What type of individuals fit in? What mindset are you looking for?

Make sure to clearly communicate the job requirements to candidates during interviews. Create an evaluation scorecard that can be used to grade and compare the performance of candidates on a series of criteria.

When it's time to interview, it's a good idea to have more than one conversation with serious contenders and include other people in the process such as an HR person and the manager to whom the new employee will report.

Use behavior-based interviewing techniques. These involve inviting candidates to describe how they have handled specific challenges in previous positions. Past performance is one of the best predictors of future performance. You can also present them with a scenario involving a difficult situation and ask them how they would handle it.

Flexible Working Arrangements and Quality Work-Life Balance

Flexible working opportunities can benefit everyone: employers, employees and their families. Most employers now recognize that it makes good business sense to provide flexible working opportunities for their staff.

If you're currently suffering from high employee turnover, you should check is employee work-life balance.

The benefits include better work-life balance and reduced expenditure on commuting for employees, and reduced operational costs for employers.

Ensure Job satisfaction

Keeping employees happy at work can be tricky. So, introducing workplace perks and benefits is a perfect way to ensure that workplace morale is always kept high. This could be anything from team events to paying for your employees' gym memberships or exercise classes.

Additionally, having this time off really increases productivity among teams, allows employees to do the best work they can do, and ultimately creates additional success for your company.

Financial Security

Employers should work with their employees to determine where they need financial support and which solutions would benefit those most. This process will help employers understand their employees better and show workers that the organization not only cares for their well-being but also is invested in working together to build the most effective path to financial wellness. Supporting employees with budgeting and saving tools can also help ease their stress and free their minds to focus more on work-related tasks. Prioritizing financial wellness can help workers feel more connected to the company and encourage employee loyalty.

Identify and Reward Great Performers

Studies show that rewarding great talent increases workforce morale. Bearing in mind that great work is appreciated and celebrated, most employees will be motivated to put in their best, a culture that ultimately reflects in the productivity of workforce at large. Awarding promotions as and when due is a great employee retention strategy. It assures employees that their efforts are recognized by management and spurs them to greater productivity.

Encourage your employees

If we are going to talk about employee turnover, we have to speak about the employee’s need and desire to feel valued. No one wants to work at an organization where they feel like their accomplishments are always being downplayed. Employees want to work in an environment where they can be productive and be recognized for that productivity. The right encouragement can go a long way towards reducing employee turnover in the long run.

Offer the appropriate incentives

There are many situations where an organization might not be able to understand their employee turnover problem, but there are other cases where it’s a bit more simple. If your organization is not offering the going rate for compensation and benefits in your industry, you shouldn’t be asking why your employees are leaving, but leaders and HR professionals should be asking why they aren’t offering more incentives.

Execute HR Planning to identify actual Manpower

Many businesses don’t understand the importance of hiring enough people. While an organization is scaling, it should be actively hiring to fulfill the new necessary roles. Some leaders may cut costs by avoiding hiring and simply ensuring that their employees work harder and longer, damaging employee morale and company culture in the process.

To reduce employee turnover, organization should execute HR planning to identify what actual employed require to fulfill organization’s goal.

When any employee leave organization, try to fill the vacant position as early as possible, otherwise another employees may eventually suffer from burnout after taking on these new duties as well as their own, and it can even possibly lead them to leave the organization altogether. In this situation, replacing these employees will only cost more money when you could have hired new employees in the first place.

Don’t take time to fire employees when necessary

There will be some situations where you hire an employee only to find out that might add to workplace negativity or simply lack work ethic compared to their colleagues. Their comments may hurt other employees, or their lack of motivation might send the wrong message to clients or customers. If you aren’t seeing any improvement in this person and their work, it may be time to let them go. While it might seem brutal, it will likely be a decision that you do not regret.

When we are talking about employee turnover, we have to recognize that some individuals simply do not share the same values as the rest of the employees. When it is clear that it is time to let an employee go, it is best to make the decision quickly and efficiently.

Role of HR Department to reduce employee turnover

HR department have to play an important role to find out the hidden cause of staff turnover. They should 

- communicate effectively with managers

- should hear to their employees

- ensure standard work environment throughout the organization.

- develop policy and review time to time is not enough, make sure to practice those effectively.

Finally, a positive work environment, where employees feel respected, feel free to express their opinions and ideas, appraised based on their performance not by their position will helps to retain best employees and the organization will enjoy its long-term beneficial actually.

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