Employee Well-being

Employee Well-being: Major 5 Drivers of Employee Well-being

Employee Well-being

When we talk about employee well-being, think of it as the way employees' responsibilities, expectations, stress levels, and work environment affect their overall health and happiness.

Employee well-being is defined as the overall mental, physical, emotional and financial health of your employees. This is influenced by various factors, such as their relationships with co-workers, the decisions they make, and the tools and resources they have access to. Working hours, pay and workplace safety also have a significant impact on employee well-being.

While this will vary from person to person, employee well-being should, on average, be at a level that allows for a productive and healthy workplace. External factors also contribute to employee well-being. Stress around issues such as housing, health and family all play a role in performance at work. However, employers can recognize that they have no control over what happens after hours, while still taking responsibility for what they can do for their employees.

Employee well-being affects all aspects of working life, including the environment in which employees work, the workplace climate and how employees feel about their day-to-day work. Well-being is a key factor in determining the long-term success and effectiveness of an organization.

Key domains of Employee Well-being


Social Contentedness

In most cases, the key to a happy team is whether they actually get along. To promote good working relationships, you should introduce more team building activities, informal meetings or lunches/dinners to bring your team together.

Not only will this promote a more fun and social atmosphere, but it will also mean that everyone can have their ideas and opinions heard. After all, there may be some team members who wouldn't normally get a chance to properly communicate beyond a brief conversation in an elevator.

Giving employees a voice in your workplace will be key to boosting overall morale.

Social isolation can trigger depression and anxiety. While supportive relationships with friends, family and colleagues are beneficial to individuals' mental health. People with a good network of friends and family generally have better mental and physical health than those who lack these networks.

By leveraging Hubs within your company's intranet software, you can create a social community for your employees; this is a space where people can share their experiences with other like-minded members, thereby increasing a sense of belonging.

Social tools used in the right way can unlock connections that were previously impossible, and with each new connection comes a new opportunity for social interaction.

Job satisfaction

Keeping employees happy at work can be tricky. So, introducing workplace perks and benefits is a perfect way to ensure that workplace morale is always kept high. This could be anything from team events to paying for your employees' gym memberships or exercise classes.

Additionally, having this time off really increases productivity among teams, allows employees to do the best work they can do, and ultimately creates additional success for your company.

Financial Security

Employers should work with their employees to determine where they need financial support and which solutions would benefit them most. This process will help employers understand their employees better and show workers that the company not only cares for their well-being but also is invested in working together to build the most effective path to financial wellness. Supporting employees with budgeting and saving tools can also help ease their stress and free their minds to focus more on work-related tasks. Prioritizing financial wellness can help workers feel more connected to the company and encourage employee loyalty.

Emotional Health

Most of us have no problem prioritizing the next work task for our manager or someone else even after a long day at work, but the idea of​​prioritizing ourselves and our health is not something many of us are used to. The truth is, unless we make a conscious choice to take care of our health and well-being, it won't happen.

As a business, you can start by creating self-help areas in your digital workplace that provide suggestions for simple ways your employees can begin to make positive changes. These areas can provide many support links to third-party websites and contact numbers for your employees to contact.

Physical Health

By making sure your employees are aware of the dangers of sitting for long periods of time and educating them on how they can move throughout the day, you help prevent illness and maintain a happy and healthy workforce.

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