How to Create An Environment of Psycho-social Well-Being in the Workplace

Understanding Psycho-social Well-being: How to create an Environment of Psycho-social Well-Being in your Workplace

Psycho-social Well-being at workplace

Table of content

Basic of Psycho-social well-being
Factors contribute to psycho-social well-being
Underlying dimensions of Psycho-social Well-Being at Workplace

The prevalence of stress and other psycho-social health problems in workplaces is increasing. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have both issued reports on the problem. 

Psycho-social well-being is the state of being that people with a good degree of self-awareness, are able to have fulfilling careers and develop themselves while they take care of their well-being.

This article is all about how to achieve psycho-social well-being in the workplace. It talks about the importance of creating a psychologically safe and healthy working environment and offers suggestions on exploring the organizational culture that will lead to a better state of well-being for employees.

Psycho-social well-being at work is a necessity. We all need to stay healthy to be able to function as we should in the workplace. But what should we do? Should we just sit idle and wait for things to happen? Of course not! The following are a few ways you can ensure psycho-social well being at your workplace.

The concept of social well-being is not a new one to the world. In fact, it has been in existence for many centuries now. However, when it comes to social well being at work, the scenario is considerably different. There has been a gradual shift from an environment that was rich with social interactions to one that is largely devoid of these interactions. This article will explore how you can create a psycho-social well-being at workplace and what steps you need to take in order to ensure this happiness quotient.

Factors contribute to psycho-social well-being

There are a number of factors that contribute to psycho-social well-being in the workplace. These include:

1. Organizational support: Employees need to feel like they are valued by their organization and that their contributions are recognized. They should feel like they have a voice within the company and that their opinions are respected.

2. Positive outlook: Employees should have a positive outlook on their work and believe that what they are doing is important and makes a difference. They should feel motivated to do their best work each day.

3. Engagement: Employees should be engaged in their work and feel like they are making a valuable contribution to the organization. They should find meaning in their work and feel like they are part of something larger than themselves. 

4. Satisfaction: Employees should be satisfied with their job overall and feel like they are being fairly compensated for their efforts. They should enjoy coming to work each day and feel proud of what they do.


Underlying dimensions of Psycho-social Well-Being at Workplace


Psycho-social well-being at work has been found to have three underlying dimensions: job satisfaction, psychological safety and social support. 

Job satisfaction refers to how well employees feel their job meets their needs and expectations. Psychological safety refers to how free employees feel to speak up and express themselves without fear of retribution. Social support refers to the availability of someone to confide in or seek help from when needed.

Creating an environment of psycho-social well-being in the workplace requires addressing each of these underlying dimensions. Below are some specific actions that can be taken to create a more supportive workplace:

-Encourage employees to speak up about their needs and expectations for their job

-Make sure there are clear channels for seeking help or raising concerns without fear of retribution

-Provide opportunities for social interaction and connection among employees

-Encourage a culture of openness and respect for diversity of thought and experience


Recruitment and Selection Processes

While much attention is given to finding the right employees, it's also important to create a work environment that promotes psycho-social well-being. Here are some tips:

1. Encourage open communication. 

Make sure your employees feel comfortable communicating with you and each other. Promote an open door policy and encourage employees to share concerns or suggestions. 

2. Foster a sense of community. 

Encourage employees to get to know each other and build relationships outside of work. This can be done through company-sponsored social events or simply by encouraging employees to interact with each other during breaks or lunchtime. 

3. Promote healthy lifestyle choices.

Encourage your employees to adopt healthy lifestyle habits by offering wellness programs or subsidizing gym memberships. You can also promote healthy eating habits by providing healthy food options in the workplace cafeteria or vending machines.

4. Offer flexible work arrangements. 

Give your employees some control over their work schedule and allow them to telecommute if possible. This will help them balance their work and personal life commitments.

5. Provide support during difficult times.

In order to create an environment of psycho-social well-being in the workplace, it is important to consider the recruitment and selection processes. These processes can have a significant impact on the overall culture of the workplace and the well-being of employees. 

When prepare job descriptions, it is important to consider the psychological needs of potential candidates. The job description should include information about the company culture and values, as well as the specific duties of the role. It should also be clear how the company supports employee well-being.

The selection process should also be designed with psycho-social well-being in mind. The interview process should be structured so that candidates feel comfortable sharing information about themselves. Candidates should also be given the opportunity to ask questions about the company culture and how employees are supported in their roles.

Once hired, new employees should be given a comprehensive orientation to the company. This orientation should include information about the company's commitment to employee well-being and how this commitment is manifested in day-to-day work life. New employees should also be given support to help them settle into their new roles.

Selection Process: Important Considerations

When creating an environment of psycho-social well-being in the workplace, it is important to consider the selection process for employees. This includes everything from the initial job posting to the final interviews. Here are some important considerations for each step of the selection process:

1. The Job Posting: Make sure that the job posting clearly states your company's commitment to psycho-social well-being. Include language about your supportive work environment and policies, as well as your expectations for employees in terms of their attitudes and behaviors.

2. The Application Process: During the application process, be sure to ask questions that will give you insight into an applicant's understanding of psycho-social well-being and their ability to create a supportive work environment.

3. The Interview Process: In addition to traditional interview questions, take time to ask candidates about their thoughts on creating a supportive work environment. Probe for specific examples of how they would create such an environment and what steps they would take if confronted with a situation that could adversely affect someone's psycho-social well-being.

4. The Final Decision: When making your final decision, weigh all of the above factors equally. Be sure to select the candidate that you believe is best equipped to help create and maintain a positive work environment for all employees.

Employee - Mangers Relationships

The relationship between employees and managers is a key factor in determining the overall atmosphere of a workplace. If employees feel respected and valued by their managers, they are more likely to be motivated and productive. Conversely, if employees feel that their managers are uninterested or disrespectful, this can lead to a negative work environment.

There are a few key things that managers can do to build positive relationships with their employees:

Communicate openly and frequently. Employees should feel that they can approach their managers with any concerns or questions.

Encourage employee input. Whether it’s through regular team meetings or one-on-one conversations, allow employees to share their ideas and feedback. This will help them feel like they’re part of the team and invested in the company’s success.

Recognize achievements big and small. A simple “thank you” goes a long way in making employees feel appreciated. Publicly recognizing an employee’s hard work is also motivating for others on the team.

Be consistent with rules and expectations. Employees need to know what is expected of them in order to meet those expectations. If there are inconsistencies in how rules are enforced, it can create confusion and frustration among employees.

By fostering positive relationships with employees, managers can create an environment of psychosocial well-being in the workplace. When employees feel respected and supported, they are more likely to be productive, engaged, and committed to their work.


In order to create an environment of psycho-social well-being in the workplace, it is important to establish clear and effective communication channels. This will ensure that all employees feel comfortable communicating their needs and concerns, and that they are able to receive support when necessary. 

Some tips for promoting effective communication in the workplace include:

-Encouraging open and honest communication between employees and managers/supervisors.

-Creating a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. 

-Regularly checking in with employees to see how they are doing both personally and professionally.

-Encouraging feedback from employees on how the workplace could be improved from a psycho-social standpoint.

If you can create a workplace where communication is open, honest, and supportive, you will go a long way towards promoting psycho-social well-being for all employees.


Employee feedback is one of the most important tools for creating a psycho-social well-being in the workplace. Feedback provides employees with the ability to improve their work performance and overall satisfaction with their job. Additionally, feedback can help to identify potential areas of stress or conflict within the workplace.

When providing feedback, it is important to be clear, concise, and specific. Avoid general comments or criticism, and instead focus on specific behaviors or actions that can be changed. It is also important to be objective and avoid making personal judgments about an employee’s character.

The following are some tips for providing effective feedback:

• Schedule regular check-ins with employees to discuss their progress and give feedback.

• Make time to listen to employees’ concerns and suggestions.

• Encourage open communication by creating a safe and comfortable environment where employees feel free to share their thoughts and ideas.

• Use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors.

• Be aware of your own body language and tone of voice when delivering feedback. 

Leadership style

There are many different types of leadership styles that can be effective in creating an environment of psycho-social well-being in the workplace. The most important thing is to find a style that works best for you and your team. Some common leadership styles include:

Autocratic: This type of leader makes all the decisions and doesn’t involve others in the decision-making process. This can be effective if you have a clear vision for what needs to be done and your team trusts your judgment.

Democratic: This type of leader involves the team in the decision-making process. This can help create buy-in from the team and help them feel like they are part of the process.

Laissez-faire: This type of leader gives the team complete freedom to do their work without much direction from the leader. This can be effective if you have a highly skilled and motivated team that doesn’t need much guidance.

The most important thing is to find a leadership style that works for you and your team. Experiment with different styles and see what works best for creating an environment of psycho-social well-being in your workplace.

Stress Management

It's no secret that stress can have a profound effect on our physical and mental health. In the workplace, stress can lead to absenteeism, reduced productivity, and an overall feeling of dissatisfaction.

Creating an environment of psycho-social well-being in the workplace can help to reduce stress levels and promote a more positive work-life balance. Here are some tips for creating a stress-free workplace:

1. Encourage open communication between management and employees.

2. Promote a healthy work-life balance by providing flexible working hours and/or remote working options.

3. Create a supportive environment where employees feel valued and appreciated.

4. Offer employee assistance programs (EAPs) to help employees deal with personal or work-related problems.

5. Provide training on stress management and relaxation techniques.



It is evident that creating an environment of psycho-social well-being in the workplace is essential for employees' health and productivity. By implementing some or all of the tips mentioned above, employers can take active steps towards promoting a healthy workplace culture. In turn, employees will feel more supported and motivated to do their best work.



  1. A great article again and thanks for sharing it. After Pandemic, the mental health, employee care & well-being in HR are becoming top priorities for all employers. Employee self care and institutional supports are very important to refresh and recovery of employees, if they are experiencing anxiety, serious level of stress, or even burnout, which are associated with both mental health and well-being, they may experience negative feelings and ultimately losing interest at work. This will seriously impact at personal as well as institutional health. As mentioned in the article, the regular stress management activities, planned/unplanned communications with supervisors and employees and participatory/effective 360 degree performance appraisal of staff and relevant policies & practices can have significant positive impacts. The article is long but useful again. Please keep posting such useful resources. Thanks!

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