Staff Motivation: How to motivate employee without increasing monetary cost of your organization

 Motivation: Importance and Techniques

Employee Motivation

What is Motivation

Motivation is stimulating employees to participate and perform well doing their work. Staff motivation focuses on the willingness and capability of staff to contribute to the performance of the organization.

It comes as no surprise that implementing employee motivation techniques encourages people to work productively and results in better revenue outcomes. However, not many people know that a productive way of working also positively influences employee experience, as it promotes higher job satisfaction.

How to motivate employee: without increasing monetary cost

We all motivated by self-interest. To motivate employee, at first ask yourself, ‘what does the person want and what does the employee need.’

1. Recognize and reward great work

Employees need to know that their managers appreciate their hard work. Giving well-deserved recognition not only boosts self-confidence, but also boosts enthusiasm and team morale. 

The reward doesn't have to be monetary, it can be a gesture like giving them a day off. Rewards are a particularly good promoter of motivation and job satisfaction. So if you want to encourage your employees to go the extra mile, reward their efforts with a gift or a thoughtful gesture.

2. Lead with a vision

Everyone wants to know that their efforts are leading to something. What is the next step? What does company success look like? A goal helps motivate the journey, so make sure the company's vision is clear.

3. Make sure everyone understands the “why”

Your employees will know what needs to be done, but you need to explain it further; you must communicate the "why" of each task. Why is the company's overall mission. If everyone knows how their individual actions can personally contribute to the overall goal of the company, it brings the necessary motivation to even the simplest task.

4. Set frequent clear goals

You obviously have big goals that you want to achieve as a company, but the key to motivation is the smaller goals. All goals should contribute to the overall goal, but breaking it down into more achievable parts is less overwhelming. If employees frequently achieve goals, the sense of satisfaction grows and will act as a great motivator to move on to the next set of goals.

5. Create a pleasant work environment

No one wants to sit in a dreary office every day, desperately waiting for home time. If the workplace creates a friendly culture with spaces for rest and play, employees will look forward to coming to work. The saying 'work hard, play hard' is important here. Because motivation and mood go hand in hand, a bad mood can affect the ability to concentrate and reduce the feeling of energy in the workplace.

6. Give your team autonomy

Allowing some element of freedom in the workplace, whether it's flexible working hours or unlimited time off, demonstrates trust from managers to employees. This adds motivation because the satisfaction of a job well done comes with the feeling that they were in control and did it on their terms.

7. Encourage teamwork

Collaboration between teams in a company enables further development of ideas. In turn, working with people with different skills will lead to more innovative results. In teams, there is strength in numbers and anyone who lacks motivation should be supported by those around them.

8. Create a career path

Nobody wants to be static for long. We all want to know we're going somewhere and focus on that next step. Ask employees what they want from their careers and describe what they need to do to get there. Have growth conversations with team members to design a career path; this will help create the motivation to reach the next stage and the feeling that they have a long and productive journey ahead of them within the company.

9. Promote employee well-being

When organizations implement motivational strategies, they often overlook well-being.

There's no denying that using rewards as incentives is a great motivator. But if an employee feels tired or overwhelmed, they won't do their best work—no matter how hard they try.

Take a holistic approach to wellbeing, so addressing the mental, emotional and physical health of your teams is a great way to keep them healthy, happy and on top of their game.

-  10. Give structured feedback 

    Positive or negative, feedback is necessary. Continuous feedback helps employees stay in  the loop and understand if there are any opportunities for improvement. But when give feedback to your employee, you have to be honest and never judge your employee. Only focus on task, what and how to develop the special area. 


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